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    Sunday, 3 July 2016

    upsee counseling procedure/upsee counseling date 2016

    upsee counseling procedure/upsee counseling date
    upsee counseling/upsee counselling letter/upsee counselling
     schedule/upsee counselling result/upsee counselling documents/
    upsee online counselling/upsee counselling process/
    upsee counselling centres/upsee counselling center/
    uptu counselling 2016/aktu counselling

    uttar pradesh technical university in the most popular and biggest university of india there are 
    thousand of the engineering and technical colleges and institute.

    under the uptu(uttar pradesh technical university) have many of collegs in uttar pradesh and most of the colleges of uptu placed in ghaziabad.there are 100s of colleges in ghaziabad. and every year lac of student pass out from the uptu colleges.

    the uttar pradesh technical university some days ago has conducted their entrance examination for the admission in colleges.and now the result in declared and the counselling is going to start.in which uptu select their colleges for candidates on the behalf of the rank of candidates occur in the upsee examination.

    uptu in separate into two university one of it gautam budh technical university and mahamaya techniacal university.uptu also have 2 region uptu noida reason and uptu lucknow region 

    many of the student take admission in the gbtu and mtu via online counselling in uptu. by the counselling uptu distribute the colleges on the behalf of the rank in upsee exam 

    AS PER THE NOTIFICATION FROM THE COLLEGES OF UTTAR PRADESH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY the admission through the counselling in uptu is start soon .now the counselling letter is published on the official website you can download the counselling letter then click on the link given below.

    for the admission in the uptu colleges by counselling you make a round for any colleges and ask there the all procedure of the colunselling first you have select a colleges and then you have to go to that college and then verify your all document and all the information about fee structure uniform and all that,

    as per the notification tghe counselling will start from the 15th june 2016 all the candidates has informed that they should go on the official website to get more info

    how to check college in uptu counselling/check college name by the uptu college code

    download uptu counselling letter 2016

    • go to the official site by given link
    • find the upsee counselling letter 
    • download upsee counselling letter pdf
    to download the couselling letter-click here

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